Nursing License / Legal Consultations

One Hour Legal Consultation Request
Do you have a legal question, issue with the Board of Nursing, or other problem? Don't wait to get help! The sooner you have a plan of action, the better your chances are getting the results you want.
A one-hour telephone legal consultation is available to nurses at a discounted rate of $295 for the first hour. Briefly describe the legal matter you wish to discuss (e.g. Board of Nursing investigation or charges, employment matter, etc.), and when you would like to schedule your appointment (usually 1-2 weeks out).
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Recent Case Results
Attorney Laurie Elston successfully obtained dismissal of charges against RN at trial after the Board of Nursing filed charges seeking to revoke the nurse's license alleging she had caused patient's death. Client comment: "...very many thanks Laurie for all your brilliant work and personal support...Gratefully." D.C. RN
Charges Against Your Nursing License
The California Board of Nursing files charges against approximately 1,000 nurses a year.
If you receive a letter from the Board of Nursing stating that you are the subject of a complaint or investigation, a letter offering an opportunity to participate in the Board’s diversion/intervention program, a letter denying your license, or an accusation or statement of issues before the Board, you should immediately contact an attorney with experience representing nurses in professional licensing matters for a legal consultation before you respond. This means you need an attorney who understands the nursing and medical issues as well as the legal issues - such as a nurse attorney.
After a legal consultation an attorney can assist you by speaking to the BRN investigator and/or attorney assigned to the case on your behalf so you don't have to. This is especially important since anything you say to the investigator (who is a usually a peace officer) is collecting evidence that can be used against you. An attorney can also:
An investigator has contacted you.
Now is the best time to seek legal counsel. Remember, anyone – a patient, co-worker, supervisor, family member – can file a complaint against you. The investigator can use anything you say to them as evidence against you! Don't put yourself at risk, have an attorney speak to the investigator on your behalf. What we say to an investigator cannot be used against you in court. We can help you gather and preserve evidence to protect your license and preparing a response in a light most favorable to you.
Anything you say can and will be used against you. Do not attempt to handle legal matters on your own!
When you receive a letter investigating a complaint, your first response might be to think you can just explain the situation and everything will be okay. In reality, the investigator who will talk with you is not a healthcare provider - they are a peace officer, and they will be collecting evidence against you.
This is the point in an investigation when formal charges have been filed against you and your license, and the State is making their case on how you violated the law. If the State proves their case, the Board will decide if you lose your license. Your license is on the line so make sure you do not waive your right to an attorney and get a legal consultation immediately! If you were to defend yourself, you would need to know the licensing laws and know how to object, cross-examine and enter evidence. This is not your area of expertise, so let us handle it!
Here Are Additional Ways We Can Help!
Are you struggling to interpret and truthfully answer questions on your license renewal application?
This is so important! Did you know that by not answering the questions on your renewal application honestly you could be charged with material misrepresentation and fraud? You might worry about how to answer questions related to convictions, your drug and alcohol history, past disciplinary actions or termination. Unfortunately, many healthcare professionals violate the law without even knowing it, just by answering a question improperly. If you have:
- been contacted by an investigator from the Board of Nursing
- received a letter from the Licensing Board or the Attorney General’s office
- received an "Accusation" from the Board that an action has been filed against your license
Let us help with a legal consultation.
Nursing is a rewarding profession but it also highly stressful. Experts have estimated that as many as 20% of practicing nurses suffer from chemical dependency. The Board of Nursing offers a rigorous intervention program for chemically dependent or mentally ill nurses. Where a nurse voluntarily enrolls in the program prior to an "Accusation" being filed, sometimes the disciplinary process can be avoided. However, nurses in the program may not practice until the program determines that they may safely do so. In a legal consultation we can help you weigh your options.
Yes. Check out NSO's information at:
Please contact us immediately for a legal consultation about your options!
Protect Your Nursing License
Worried about the Board of Nursing filing charges against your license? Read about the steps you should take and educate yourself with our online video course on how to protect your license.